Exploring Landscape Setups

Exploring Landscape Setups

  • What Kind Of Cover Does An Outdoor Pizza Oven Need?

    Investing in a pizza oven is often the crowning jewel in a backyard renovation to truly make the outdoor space worthy of enjoying. Wood-fired pizza ovens in particular make a great centerpiece for the backyard, especially if you make them part of a patio or outdoor kitchen space. Yet after you invest in a high-end pizza oven that creates restaurant-quality pies right in the comfort of your own home, you don't want to see that equipment becoming damaged by the weather.

  • Repairs A Residential Sprinkler System May Require

    There are many problems that your home's sprinkler system could experience. As a result, there are a number of different repairs that may be required if you are to keep this system functioning and minimize the risk of sprinkler problems causing widespread property damage. Damage From Digging Too Close To The Sprinkler Lines A very common source of damage to sprinkler systems can be the result of digging too close to the buried lines.

  • Own A Corner Lot? 5 Challenges And How To Beat Them

    For urban homeowners, a corner lot is a special find that enjoys a higher overall value and often more space than neighboring properties. But the corner front yard creates its own unique challenges. What are some of these? And how can you overcome them with clever landscape design? Here are five common problems and solutions.  1. Lack of Privacy. Your home can be exposed to both drivers and pedestrians on two sides rather than just one.

  • Tips To Help You Successfully Plant And Start A New Bare-Root Fruit Tree

    Trees create a beautiful environment that is beneficial to wildlife and your own outdoor view. And when you plant a fruit tree, you have the opportunity to grow fresh fruit in your yard that tastes much better than most store-grown varieties. However, before you can enjoy your tree and its fruit after a few seasons, you need to take steps to plant it with a successful outcome. The following provides you with some tips to help you plant a new bare-root fruit tree in your yard.

  • Ways That Edging Can Benefit Your Landscaping

    Edging can be a versatile and important part of your landscaping, but it can be easy for you to overlook the full range of benefits that concrete edging can provide to your landscaping. Without an appreciation for the benefits that edging can provide your property, it will be difficult to optimize your use of it. Keep Mulch And Gravel In Place There are various areas of your property that will benefit from the use of gravel and mulch.

About Me

Exploring Landscape Setups

Hello, I am Manny Juanez. When I moved into my home, I instantly started to plan out my landscape features. I knew that I wanted a small waterfall leading to a pond for my fish. I also wanted to create a few raised beds around the sitting area by the pond. What I didn't know, however, was that the project would take a lot of manpower and a bit of professional help. My site will explore the process from grading the land to setting up the electrical components. I will also talk about building the garden beds with pavers and other found materials. The information I provide should help you create a beautiful layout in your back or front yards. Come back to my site whenever you need some inspiration.