For urban homeowners, a corner lot is a special find that enjoys a higher overall value and often more space than neighboring properties. But the corner front yard creates its own unique challenges. What are some of these? And how can you overcome them with clever landscape design? Here are five common problems and solutions.
1. Lack of Privacy. Your home can be exposed to both drivers and pedestrians on two sides rather than just one. This can result in a distinct lack of privacy. The good news is that there are a number of ways to boost privacy. Low hedges, for instance, offer a green backdrop that serves as a fence line. You might also add taller shrubs and trees closer to the home to ensure privacy for the windows and doors if not the entire yard.
2. Corner Shortcuts. People and pets walking past your corner may have the tendency to cut off the corner and use a part of your yard as a shortcut. Once again, hedges can help prevent this. But if you don't want a full barrier, simply landscaping the corner itself — with things like shrubs, landscape boulders, or garden beds — can deter most people from entering your sanctum.
3. Empty Space to Fill. A large front yard can seem intimidating. You don't want to overfill it and make it seem small and cluttered. But an expanse of lawn could seem empty and basic. What you're likely looking for is a focal point or two that can give it structure and draw the viewer's eye. A beautiful tree with a large surround, a wide and lush walkway lined with flowers, or a mid-lawn garden bed could all provide exactly that.
4. Desire Paths. Desire paths are points where people, vehicles, and animals cross a lawn or landscaped area because it's more convenient than following a defined walkway. Desire paths commonly form on corner lots due to the multiple points of entry possible. You might combat desire paths with fences, hedges, or garden beds. Or embrace them by adding more walkways.
5. Safety Concerns. In addition to a lack of privacy, the additional open side can cause safety concerns. Drivers may go too fast or not pay attention around the corner. Your home is exposed to intruders on an additional side. And it can be disconcerting to have drivers stopping outside your home. Target these concerns with both landscape and hardscape. Hardscape elements, like large boulder beds or fences, often stop wayward vehicles. Thorny bushes near exposed windows can deter intruders, and tidy greenery reduces potential hiding places for thieves.
Want help managing these and other concerns common to corner property owners? Start by meeting with a custom landscaping service in your area today to learn how they can help.
Hello, I am Manny Juanez. When I moved into my home, I instantly started to plan out my landscape features. I knew that I wanted a small waterfall leading to a pond for my fish. I also wanted to create a few raised beds around the sitting area by the pond. What I didn't know, however, was that the project would take a lot of manpower and a bit of professional help. My site will explore the process from grading the land to setting up the electrical components. I will also talk about building the garden beds with pavers and other found materials. The information I provide should help you create a beautiful layout in your back or front yards. Come back to my site whenever you need some inspiration.