Want Your Patio To Be A Comfortable Place For Your Dog? 3 Things To Keep In Mind
Taking good care of your dog requires letting them outside to get fresh air and exercise every day. While you will likely be taking them on longer walks regularly, it can also be a nice change of pace to have an area right outside your home to let them out. A great way to make your yard more enjoyable for your dog is to design a patio with them in mind.
How To Protect Your Lawn Mower During The Winter Months
In the landscaping business, your equipment is extremely important. It helps you to complete jobs and make money. For these reasons, you have to keep your lawn equipment in working condition. The actual labor are not the only things that affect the efficiency of your equipment. Read on to find out how to protect your lawn mower during the winter months. Get An End Of The Summer Tune Up Gas-powered trimmers and lawn mowers are some of the equipment that take a beating during the summer months.
How To Move A Tree Without Hurting It
Trees can be a wonderful addition to a yard, but sometimes circumstances arise where you can no longer keep them where they stand. If you have a tall or large tree that you need to move, you'll be glad to know that it is a possibility. However, it's important to follow a certain series of steps in order to move your tree while reducing the risk of harm to it. Read on to learn what these steps and how to follow them.
Attractive Xeriscaping For A Mission-Style Home
Xeriscaping consists of landscaping carefully planned to be sustainable while looking great. This style isn't just about minimal landscaping – in fact, landscaping and hardscaping are often necessary to prevent soil erosion. Rather, xeriscaping is about creating a yard that thrives in its natural environment. Mission-style homes often feature Southwest landscaping, which blends beautifully with xeriscaping. Plan a xeric Southwest garden to complement your mission-style home. Cacti and Succulents When you think of a Southwest garden, you probably imagine cacti and succulents.
Landscapes For Landlords -- 3 Basic Elements To Create The Right Environment For Your Building
Following the design of the actual building, the next biggest design choice you'll need to make when building an apartment complex is the landscaping around it. Good landscape design will help attract quality renters, keep your buildings safer, and reduce maintenance. Poor design may cause problems in all three areas, instead. So how can you know what is a good design? Here are the 3 basic elements. Low Maintenance. You could end up spending a lot of money on grounds maintenance unless you plan in advance.